Training options: Preparing for a successful career

Posted in News & Press  ·  7th February 2024

In today’s dynamic job market, acquiring the right skills and qualifications is essential for career success. The Skills for Careers website offers a comprehensive guide to various training options available to individuals of all ages. Here’s a summary of the key training pathways you can explore:

Types of training options

  1. Apprenticeships: Earn while you learn by working alongside experienced staff. Suitable for those 16 and over, apprenticeships can last between 1 to 5 years and are free, providing a wage.
  2. T Levels: A blend of classroom learning and on-the-job experience, designed for 16 to 19-year-olds, taking two years to complete.
  3. Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs): Technical qualifications developed with employer input, available for those 18 and over, typically lasting 1 to 2 years.
  4. Vocational Technical Qualifications (VTQs): Practical qualifications aimed at specific job sectors like childcare or engineering, for individuals 16 and over.
  5. A Levels: Subject-based qualifications assessed by exams, usually taken over two years by those 16 and over.
  6. Higher Education: Includes diplomas, foundation years, and bachelor degrees, for those 18 and over, with courses ranging from 1 to 5 years.
  7. Free courses for jobs: Government-funded courses aimed at helping individuals gain new skills or improve employability, available for those 19 and over.
  8. Skills Bootcamps: Intensive courses designed to teach specific career skills, culminating in a guaranteed job interview, available for those 19 and over.
  9. Multiply: Maths courses aimed at improving numeracy skills, free for those 19 and over.
  10. Essential skills: Courses teaching fundamental skills required for everyday life and most jobs, free for those 19 and over.
  11. Skills Toolkit: A selection of online courses that can be taken in your own time to develop new skills.
  12. Supported internships: Unpaid work-based study programmes for individuals with an education, health, and care plan, available for those 16 to 24.

Why practise employability skills?

It’s not enough to just learn about employability skills; practising them is crucial. At Bright Futures Experience, our events are designed to ensure students actively develop these skills through interactive workshops, real-world scenarios and team activities. Here’s why practising employability skills is vital:

  1. Real-world application: Provides hands-on experience in applying theoretical knowledge.
  2. Skill mastery: Helps students refine their abilities and build confidence.
  3. Problem-solving: Develops critical thinking by navigating real-life challenges.
  4. Adaptability: Prepares students to adapt to new situations and technologies.
  5. Feedback and improvement: Offers opportunities for constructive feedback and continuous improvement.

By engaging in practical activities, students can better prepare for their future careers and build a strong foundation for success.

For more detailed information on training options, visit the Skills for Careers website. At Bright Futures Experience, we are committed to providing quality experiences that help students develop essential employability skills. For more tips and information on our events, visit our website today!


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