Honesty is the best policy: Writing your CV and attending an interview

Posted in News & Press  ·  8th January 2024

As you prepare for your job search, two critical components will determine your success: your CV and your performance in the interview. While it may be tempting to embellish your qualifications or experiences to stand out, honesty remains the best policy. Being truthful not only builds trust with potential employers but also ensures you are matched with a role that truly fits your skills and aspirations. Here’s why honesty is essential and how you can apply it effectively.

The importance of honesty in your CV

Building trust

Your CV is often the first impression you make on a potential employer. By presenting your qualifications and experiences truthfully, you establish a foundation of trust. Employers appreciate candidates who are genuine and transparent about their abilities.

Avoiding consequences

Embellishing or lying on your CV can lead to serious consequences. Employers often conduct background checks and verify the information provided. If discrepancies are found, it could result in losing the job offer or, worse, being dismissed from a position after starting.

Accurate self-assessment

Being honest on your CV helps you accurately assess your strengths and areas for improvement. This self-awareness is crucial for personal and professional growth. It allows you to seek roles that match your skills and experience, increasing your chances of success and job satisfaction.

How to write an honest CV

Be clear and specific

Provide clear and specific details about your work experience, education, and skills. Use concrete examples to demonstrate your achievements and responsibilities. For instance, instead of saying you have “excellent leadership skills,” describe a situation where you led a team or project successfully.

Focus on your true skills

Highlight the skills you genuinely possess. If you lack certain skills that are critical for the job, consider addressing them in your cover letter by expressing your willingness to learn and develop those skills.

Include real achievements

List achievements that are factual and verifiable. Avoid inflating your accomplishments or claiming credit for work you didn’t do. Honest achievements, no matter how small, are more impressive than exaggerated claims.

Honesty during the interview

Presenting your true self

An interview is your opportunity to expand on your CV and provide more context about your experiences. Be honest about your strengths and weaknesses. Employers value candidates who can openly discuss their areas for improvement and how they are working to address them.

Handling tough questions

When faced with difficult questions, such as gaps in employment or lack of certain skills, honesty is crucial. Explain the situation truthfully and focus on what you learned from the experience and how you have grown as a result. This demonstrates resilience and a proactive attitude.

Consistency is key

Ensure that what you say during the interview aligns with the information on your CV. Inconsistencies can raise red flags for employers. Consistency reinforces your credibility and trustworthiness.

The benefits of being honest

Long-term success

Honesty paves the way for long-term success in your career. It helps you build a reputation as a reliable and trustworthy professional, which can lead to better job opportunities and professional relationships in the future.

Better job fit

Being truthful ensures that you are considered for roles that genuinely match your skills and experiences. This leads to better job satisfaction and performance, as you are more likely to excel in a role that aligns with your true capabilities.

Professional integrity

Maintaining honesty in your professional interactions reflects positively on your character. It shows that you value integrity and are committed to ethical behaviour, traits that are highly valued in any workplace.


Honesty is indeed the best policy when it comes to writing your CV and attending job interviews. It helps build trust, ensures long-term success, and fosters professional integrity. By presenting your true self, you increase your chances of finding a job that genuinely fits your skills and aspirations. Remember, your honesty not only benefits you but also contributes to creating a trustworthy and ethical workplace.

For more tips and resources, visit Bright Futures Experience.


  1. https://www.prospects.ac.uk/careers-advice/cvs-and-cover-letters
  2. https://www.thebalancecareers.com/tips-for-writing-a-great-cv-2063237
  3. https://www.glassdoor.co.uk/blog/guide/how-to-write-a-cv/
  4. https://www.reed.co.uk/career-advice/honesty-during-job-interviews-why-it-matters/
  5. https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/careers-advice/interview-advice

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