- To experience a realistic workplace environment within the programme.
- To identify and practise the top employability skills: teamwork, communication, problem solving, leadership, self-management, reliability, and analytical skills.
- To interact with Labour Market Information through fun activities.
- To experience recruitment from an employer's perspective.
- To practise interview skills including how to respond to classic interview questions.
- To take part in activities commonly used at Assessment Day events.
- To manage a team, delegate, and prioritise during a multifaceted problem solving challenge.
- To gain an insight into creating a first rate CV through our recruitment challenge.
- To learn how to beat the Automated Tracker Systems used in the modern recruitment process.
- To take part in recruitment activities that highlight a range of career pathways.
- To learn the correlation between academic success, experience, and earning.
- To learn the positives and the pitfalls of social media in the modern recruitment process.
- To boost self-belief and confidence through practising interpersonal skills.
- To inspire students to investigate their career choices further.
- To discover what UK business managers look for in their staff.
- To explore the bigger picture of employment and the economy: Wealth creation, tax, public spending, and how money goes round in the economy.
- To practise the art of negotiation in a competitive team activity.
- To enjoy the workshop and have fun.