
The gig economy and freelancing: What students need to know

News & Press · 16th June 2024

The “Future of Jobs Report 2023” by the World Economic Forum highlights the growing prevalence of the gig economy and freelancing. This shift offers flexibility and autonomy but also comes with unique challenges. Here’s what educators need to know to […]

Training options: Preparing for a successful career

News & Press · 7th February 2024

In today’s dynamic job market, acquiring the right skills and qualifications is essential for career success. The Skills for Careers website offers a comprehensive guide to various training options available to individuals of all ages. Here’s a summary of the […]

Practising employability skills in schools

News & Press · 6th February 2024

In today’s competitive job market, having a solid grasp of employability skills is crucial for young people. However, merely learning about these skills is not enough. Practising employability skills can make a significant difference in preparing students for the real […]

Understanding careers education: Empowering futures

News & Press · 1st February 2024

In an ever-changing job market, the importance of careers education cannot be overstated. But what exactly does careers education mean? It encompasses a wide range of activities and learning experiences designed to help individuals understand the world of work, develop […]